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Soto: Modeling fuel consumption in microgrids

Soto, D., 2018. Modeling and measurement of specific fuel consumption in diesel microgrids in Papua, Indonesia. Energy for Sustainable Development, 45, pp.180-185.

Supplying electricity to populations without full access requires cost-effective, distributed sources of electricity generation. Diesel generators are a popular electricity source because of their low capital costs, but they can have high operating costs. Little data exist regarding the real-world behavior and operating costs of installed diesel microgrids. We report on the energy delivery and fuel consumption in three diesel microgrids in the Lake Sentani region of Papua, Indonesia. We found that these generators are operated below their capacity and that the fuel used per unit of electricity delivered can be over five times greater than expected based on published values. These estimations of specific fuel consumption suggest that nominally electrified areas are paying high costs for poor reliability, but cost-effective improvements are possible.